BBQ Safety Tips-Summer 2024
As summer approaches, grilling becomes a favorite activity for many homeowners. However, it is crucial to follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents and ensure a safe and enjoyable barbecue experience. From handling propane and charcoal grills properly to using electric grills safely, these tips will help you avoid common hazards associated with grilling. Here are some important safety measures to keep in mind while barbecuing.
5 Reasons Why You Need Mold Testing
Mold can be a serious problem in homes as it can cause health issues and damage to the structure. Remedy Inspections offers mold testing and indoor air quality inspections to help identify and address these issues.
5 Winter Home Inspection Tips for Buyers in New Jersey
Are you in the process of buying a home in New Jersey during the winter months? While the colder weather can bring its own set of challenges, a home inspection is still an essential step in the home buying process. Follow these tips to ensure a successful home inspection in New Jersey during the winter months.
What to Expect from a Home Inspection
Ever wonder what you should expect from a home inspection? Here’s a rundown of the process!
Let’s talk about . . . Condenser Units
Are your HVAC condenser units properly installed and maintained? Here’s what home inspectors are looking for!
Let’s talk about . . . Gutters and Downspouts
Are your gutters and downspouts properly installed and maintained? Here’s what home inspectors are looking for!
Let’s talk about . . . Decks, Porches, and Balconies
Does your home have a deck, porch, or balcony? Here’s what home inspectors are looking for!